How to start Investing for Dummies?

    Have you heard of the phrase – ‘make your money work for you’ ? If you haven’t then now you have… Making your money work for you means investments so that it grows over time potentially increasing the amount of money you have, through buying financial products (investments), and sell them at a higher price to produce a profit.  Many people do not realise that, the only way to make money without having to work all the hours in the day is by putting the money they have into doing work for them.  It does take time but with regular…

    What Relationship Skills Mean in Life?

    There are many essential life skills individuals should have in order to progress. In this post we will briefly look at Relationship Management Skills, that are necessary should be habits that you form at an early age. As you become independent and experience more you meet a variety of people. Relationship Skills is the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. This includes effective communication skills in any relationship, communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.  To form a connection with other…

    How to Develop Money Management Skills?

    One key habit that you must develop in life is the ability to manage money. In this post – How to develop money management skills?  We’ll take a brief look at what you need.  There are many essential life skills individuals should have in order to progress. As you become independent you come to the realisation how important money is in this world. Anyone can make money. The real skill is learning how to manage that money to make it last and grow. One book I would most definitely recommend you get and read is ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ –…

    3 Ways to improve your memory and brain

    Everyone has instants of poor memory from time to time, especially when life gets busy.  In this post – 3 Ways to improve your memory and brain, we’ll see what one can do for better memory and improve brainpower. While forgetting certain things can be of benefit and a completely normal occurrence, having a poor memory all the time can be frustrating. Studies done on the subject of brain and memory have shown that diet and lifestyle have a major impact on memory too. Let’s start with defining – What is Memory? According to Wikipedia: Memory is the faculty of…

    What is Patience or Sabr?

    Everyone seems to be in a hurry we seem to lose track of time.  In this post we look briefly at – What is Patience or Sabr?  We often get distracted by small issues and fight over irrelevant stuff. Our ability to communicate is weak and that is what causes many of the issues within our society. We focus so much on multitasking that we don’t stop for a minute to concentrate on what we are doing truly and appreciate all that is around us. Impatience is a daily habit we possess in our society today. Impatience leads to stress,…

    5 Benefits of Fasting on Health & Productivity

    Fasting has recently increased in its popularity as many do it for dietary and health issues. However, fasting has been around for decades, as it is a part of many religions and cultures. In this post – 5 Benefits of Fasting on Health & Productivity. We’ll take a look at why fasting can be beneficial not only to health but also to your mind and productivity gains. In Islam, it is compulsory for all mature Muslims to fast, as it is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is defined as the abstinence from all foods and drinks for…
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