
4 Ways to Train Your Brain to Learn Faster

The human brain is a very complex and powerful system. We all want to learn more using our brains, remember information and recall data.  The brain is the control centre, the only part of our anatomy that plays such a vital role.  In this post – 4 Ways to Train your Brain to learn faster, we’ll take a short look at what can be done to improve your brainpower, train your brain and improve the ability to learn faster.

(1) Work your brain or lose it

I’m sure we have all heard of the expression ‘work it or lose it’.  Just like maintaining your body muscles by being physically active, the brain also needs to be kept active.  If you don’t exercise your brain, the example you don’t read at all.  Then how do you expect when you come to read something which is important your brain will retain that information or worse still you would be able to read it.

So, step 1, take some time to read regularly, what I mean is dedicated ‘Reading-time’, the books or blog posts you read is entirely up to you, as long as it is not to complicated.  Develop a habit of reading, learn what is the best way to read and learn material faster.

As you keep practising reading, you will learn reading habits that would make it easy for you when you come to do some reading which is important and you need to retain the information.

(2) Train the Brain Learn Something New

When you learn something new a neural pathway is created in your brain, depending on the material you have just learnt, how much attention you paid and how excited you were about learning it, will dictate how quickly you forget after learning it, it is said anything between 10 mins to 24 in that time frame most people tend to forget new information.

The more you use your brain, the better it’s going to perform and longer it will retain information for you.  For example, learning a new musical instrument will improve your skill in translating something you see (printed music), to something you actually do (playing the instrument).

Try learning a new language, this will expose your brain to a different way of thinking, a different way of expressing yourself.  Learning something new requires you to internalise what you see, hear or feel.  To retain that information and be able to recall, you need to repeat it, by doing so will create lasting neural pathways thus making it easier to recall.

(3) Eat correctly to Train your Brain and Learn fast

Yes, you read correctly, eating is also brain training.  As I have covered in my other posts on this subject, if your body is not healthy and working at an optimum level with the right nutrients then how can you expect your brain to function and you to learn faster.

It is crucial that you eat a well-balanced healthy diet with plenty of superfoods.  Drink plenty of water during the day, get the correct level of rest and sleep.  Eating correct healthy foods regularly is also brain training.  Although you may not think of it that way.

Take, for example, you are at the food counter, it is laid out with sugary desserts, chocolates, fizzy drinks and fatty foods.  On the next counter, you have all the healthy foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, smoothies made from superfoods and other healthy options.

Your brain which is not correctly trained and unaware of what is good for it will most likely go to the first counter full of quick energy fixes.  If you train your brain well and develop the mindset, you would select more of the second counter as you will know it is better for you.

(4) Don’t ‘Mobilise’ but ‘internalise’ to train your brain

Nothing new here we all do it, the mobile or smartphone is an extension of our brains.  No one now tries to remember a phone number or any bits of information without taking a photo or recording it on the phone.

Certainly, a great idea to store everything on the phone, but it is not benefiting your brain.  As you use less and less of your brain because the smartphone is so much better and easier to store information – who needs a brain right?

Trust me, if you want to improve your brain and learn things faster, try to stay away from storing everything on to your phone.  Instead learn and remember bits of information, phone numbers or account numbers, addresses using your own brain.  It’s hard at first, but with repetition, it will get better and easier.  Therefore, improving your brain power and helping you learn faster.


Marium is the founder of MakeMeProductive.co.uk and focuses on time management and productivity skills. Marium writes about effectively learning new skills, positive thinking, brain training, productivity and time management using simple but effective methods - one step at a time, make small changes and you'll reach your goals.

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