
5 Top Tips on How to Be More Productive

Do you find that there simply – not enough hours in the day to complete all the things that you need to do?  In this post 5 Top Tips on How to Be More Productive, we’ll look at a few steps that you can take to be more productive.

(1) Top tip Stop multi-tasking to be productive

Don’t be fooled into thinking that doing many things at once is giving you greater results, it may seem that way but it comes at a cost.  Switching between different tasks is making you more fatigued. It’s consuming brain energy switching between activities in that way. The modern lifestyle and place of work won’t support you in your journey to be more focused – when so many things are vying for your attention.

Professor Daniel Levitin a neuroscientist says: “That switching (between tasks) comes with a biological cost that ends up making us feel tired much more quickly than if we sustain attention on one thing.”

Clearly the best thing to do is reduce the number of items on your to-do list (if you have one) and try to focus on one task at a time.  With practice you will see your productivity increases and energy levels aren’t as depleted compared to multi-tasking – note, there is a right time for multi-tasking but not at all times.

(2) Sure; To-Do lists are good for productivity, don’t overindulge

It’s perfectly normal not to have a to-do list if you don’t have many things to do during the day.  However, for many people, there is no other way to manage the demands put on them without a To-Do list.

Great, you have a to-do list, as many people do, filled from start to end with some 10-20 items listed for the day.  It’s already 10 am and you’re still on the first item on the list.  What happens emotionally? as you look at list your mind is telling you that ‘No way’ you going to complete this list today.

As you get on through the day you pick up a few more that need to be completed so you add them to end of the list.  The time now is 12pm, you’ve just about finished the 3rd item on the list, which by now as grown by another 4 items.  Your mind is already sending negative signals to your body, fight or flight mode, thinking ‘I’ll never get these items finished today’, this kind of daily routine increases stress and other health issues over a long term.  It also decreases your productivity.

My advice, when you put your to-do list together get into the habit of only listing 3-5 high priority items on that list.  Try not to add anything more to that list during the day.  Start a new list for the following day and add new items onto that one.

Give yourself time limits on how much effort and time you will spend on each item during the day.  If you can complete the item, do so and give yourself a reward – like go for a walk or have something to eat.  Come back and start on the next item on the list.

(3) Focus on one goal at a time in the long term to be more productive

Here’s the key, you want to succeed and be productive.  Then create a list for your long term objectives and desires.  If you must then break these down to weekly goals, monthly goals and yearly goals.  Try to keep these separate from your daily to-do lists.

Dedicate some time to doing these long term items, keep track and always make sure to reward yourself once you complete a task.  Do not add more than what you are able to deal with given your other commitments. If you are unable to complete a task, don’t worry and stress over it, re-map your to-do list and re-plan time and target dates.  Continue from where you left off.

(4) Don’t do so many meetings, cut back on time demand

If you want greater results and the ability to complete your to-do list, then cut back on too many meetings.  Re-focus meeting times set an agenda with no more than 3-4 items, find owners to each item where required.  Start meetings on time and finish on time.

Delegate actions when possible.  Close meeting with notes and next steps sent out to attendees.  Only invite key people required to get the result you need.  Don’t invite joe, jane and their dog if you don’t need to.

If you have to attend a meeting, demand agenda, let them now you can only stay for 30 minutes.  Also if the meeting is going on for a long time ask them to give you advance notice of what they need from you.  Try prep yourself before attending the meeting.

(5) Eat healthily, take plenty of rest and drink water to be productive

Yes, you are reading correctly.  To be more productive, you need a healthy body, a sound mind and plenty of fluids like water.  So make sure you get enough of these key basics right and make a habit of doing so.  Overtime your productivity will increase and overall physical and emotional health will improve.


Marium is the founder of and focuses on time management and productivity skills. Marium writes about effectively learning new skills, positive thinking, brain training, productivity and time management using simple but effective methods - one step at a time, make small changes and you'll reach your goals.

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