
  • MindPhoto of What is Patience or Sabr?

    What is Patience or Sabr?

    Everyone seems to be in a hurry we seem to lose track of time.  In this post we look briefly at – What is Patience or Sabr?  We often get distracted by small issues and fight over irrelevant stuff. Our ability to communicate is weak and that is what causes…

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  • HabitsPhoto of What is Procrastination?

    What is Procrastination?

    If you want to increase productivity and be more successful in everything you do, then you MUST overcome PROCRASTINATION, the saying – “procrastination is the mother of all evil…” is so true.  In this post – What is Procrastination? we’ll take a look at what it is and how we…

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  • HabitsPhoto of 5 Morning Habits for Successful Muslim Women

    5 Morning Habits for Successful Muslim Women

    Importance of morning habits: By starting the day in a positive manner, you maximize the positive influence for the rest of your day. In this 5 Morning Habits for Successful Muslim Women post, we’ll take a short look at what can help you set up for the day ahead in…

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  • HabitsPhoto of Motivation: What It Is and How It Works

    Motivation: What It Is and How It Works

    In this post – Motivation: What is it and how it works, we will look at what it means and why it is important to becoming productive. Scientists define motivation as your general willingness to do something. It is the set of psychological forces that compel you to take action.  A…

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  • HabitsPhoto of What Are Habits?

    What Are Habits?

    Habits. This can be defined as a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur regularly. Did you know that you spend 1 out of every 2 minutes doing something that you’re not aware of? This study from Duke University in 2006 found that up to 45%…

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