
What is Patience or Sabr?

Everyone seems to be in a hurry we seem to lose track of time.  In this post we look briefly at – What is Patience or Sabr? 

We often get distracted by small issues and fight over irrelevant stuff. Our ability to communicate is weak and that is what causes many of the issues within our society. We focus so much on multitasking that we don’t stop for a minute to concentrate on what we are doing truly and appreciate all that is around us. Impatience is a daily habit we possess in our society today.

Impatience leads to stress, which then causes reduced productivity.  This then puts you into a spiral of negative emotions and habits that cause so much pain. This is why you need to practice Patience.  Patience in Islam is known as Sabr which can be defined as the “endurance” or more accurately “perseverance” and “persistence”.

Sabr is characterized as being one of the two parts of faith (the other being shukr- gratefulness). It teaches us to remain spiritually steadfast. Also that we remain consistent in our actions (developing good habits) and take notice of the bounties around us (therefore learn to be grateful). We must use what we have been given to do well so that it benefits us in this world and the hereafter.

A lot of us find it difficult to be patient and grateful when all that life does is throw us curveballs. We can never fully be content with everything, but it is important to be content with what we have. We face issues in family, studies, health, financial matters that may decrease our level of patience, however, we must remain steadfast.

Remember to keep our eyes and hearts on the ultimate prize. The patient ones in Islam are referred to as Sābirūn. They are known to remain steadfast not only in health and prosperity but also in the performance of religious obligations, such as; refraining from forbidden things and in the event of uncontrollable calamities. Patience (Sabr) have been classified into three phases: 1. Sabr in time of afflictions, 2. Sabr in the obedience of Allah, 3.Sabr in guarding against sins.

Abu Musa al-Ashari reported that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “When a son of a servant of Allah dies, Allah Says to the angels, ‘Have you taken the son of My servant?’ They say, ‘Yes.’ Then Allah Says, ‘Have you taken the fruit of his heart?’ They say, ‘Yes.’ Allah Says, ‘What has My servant said?’ They say, ‘He has praised You and said, ʾinnā li-llāhi wa-ʾinnā ʾilaihi rājiʿūn (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return). Then Allah Says, ‘Build a house for My servant in Paradise and call it the house of praise.” -From Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad and ibn Habban.

In another narration, it was narrated by Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “The example of a believer is that of a fresh tender plant; from whatever direction the wind comes, it bends it, but when the wind becomes quiet, it becomes straight again. Similarly, a believer is afflicted with calamities (but he remains patient till Allah removes his difficulties.) And an impious wicked person is like a pine tree which keeps hard and straight till Allah cuts (breaks) it down when He wishes.”Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 70 Hadith 547

Patience is highlighted in Islam, such that it is compared to an act of worship. In the Quran, there is usually a close connection between being patiently persisting in doing right and expecting relief or deliverance from God (Tawakkul). Thus, Prophet Muhammad (saw) is told to be patient like the Apostles of God before him. The following are a few verses of the Quran about patience;

“Seek God (Allah)’s help with patient perseverance and prayer. It is indeed hard except for those who are humble (2:45)

“O you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for God, is with those who patiently persevere (2:153)

But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, ‘To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance (2:156–157)

“O you who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy. Vie in such perseverance, strengthen each other, and be pious, that you may prosper (3:200)

“Be patient, for your patience is with the help of Allah (16:127)

“Patiently, then, persevered for the Promise of Allah is true, and ask forgiveness for your faults, and celebrate the praises of your Lord in the evening and in the morning.”(40:55)

The science behind patience

Patience isn’t just mentioned in religion. It has also been proved by scientific research to play a major role in our daily lives and actions. We all know the feeling of anticipation associated with waiting to eat. Regardless of how hungry you are, your patience levels tend to fluctuate based on the circumstances and your degree of confidence that you’ll have some food close to the time you expected to eat.

For example, if the wait time at a restaurant becomes much longer than expected, most of us will become impatient. But, if we are highly confident that we’ll be seated and eating close to the time of our dinner reservation, our patience will be higher and we’ll gladly wait a bit longer. Science has shown that practising patience decreases stress levels.

Manners in which you can remain patient:

  1. Make yourself wait
  2. Stop doing things that aren’t important
  3. Be mindful of the things that are making you impatient
  4. Relax and take deep breaths

Hardships and ease are a trial for us. Everything Allah chooses from good or evil is for our benefit. Whatever occurs could not have missed us and what missed us could never have reached us. Panic and impatience cannot prevent Allah’s Decree. I pray Allah guides us and make us amongst the sabirun (patience ones),

Dua/supplication for patience: “Allahumma musarrifal-qulubi, sarrif qulubana `ala ta`atika” — O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to your obedience. Ameen!

To bring this post to an end, let’s summerise, with patience comes gratitude.  Showing gratitude and expressing it daily will result in peace and tranquillity of the mind.  When the mind is at peace, it reduces stress and improves health and wellbeing.  When you feel great, your level of productivity increases, you start to feel better as you achieve more and see greater results.  This positive cycle continues, as long as you learn to practice patience.


Marium is the founder of MakeMeProductive.co.uk and focuses on time management and productivity skills. Marium writes about effectively learning new skills, positive thinking, brain training, productivity and time management using simple but effective methods - one step at a time, make small changes and you'll reach your goals.

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