
What is Productivity?

Productivity. This can be defined as various measures of the efficiency of a person completing a task. When we hear the word ‘productivity,’ we often assume it to refer to quickly completing as many tasks as possible. However, it actually refers to getting important things done consistently. To achieve this consistency we must maintain a steady, average speed with breaks.

My Top Productivity Strategies

Some great tips that have been rounded up from successful people are:

  1. They divide their day into two parts –

The founder and creative director of Men’s Style Pro, Sabir Peele, swears by splitting up his day it keeps his creativity flowing. From an interview with the Business Insider he said:

“I list a maximum of 10 tasks that I want to crush by noon. To stay interested in what I’m doing, I do the most important tasks at the top of each hour and then handle emails. After I finish two tasks, I do 20 push-ups.”  As for the second portion of his day (between noon and 5 p.m.), he takes a different tactic. “I focus all of my attention on meetings and just pure content creation — both of which are extremely time-consuming tasks,” he said.

Some business leaders also divide their hours into 15 minute periods. This allows for more productivity time.

  • Take out ‘me’ time- this allows you to clear your mind and sharpen your focus. New York-based senior editor and new mom Rachel Bowie boost her mood and overall productivity.

“It’s so easy to get stressed about my lengthy to-do list when I’m handling diaper changes and my four-month-old’s schedule. So, every morning in the shower I count from one to 180 (three minutes total) and use that time to just be present,” she said. “As silly as it sounds, spending that time appreciating the solitude of my bathroom and a rejuvenating shower instead of letting my brain race through my day has a calming effect that keeps me more centred.”

  • Do some form of exercise– whether its yoga, jogging or the gym being active first thing in the morning has shown to boost your metabolism rate, lower blood pressure and reap all the benefits of your sleep. Engineer Arne Bostrom sweats it out every single morning before beginning his workday.

“I get exercise out of the way first thing so that I already have a sense of accomplishment even before I start my workday,” he said.

But he said that waking up at 5 a.m. every day isn’t easy. “Some days it’s hard to get out of bed, but it’s easier to get over that hump if you plan your workout and clothes the night before,” Bostrom said. “Then you can get up, get out, and get going on a productive day.”

We often fail to realize that there are certain strategic choices we need to make if we want to maximize our productivity for the long-term. Below I will mention some ways in which you can achieve this.

Simple Ways to Be More Productive Every Day

Step 1: Find your ‘Golden hour.’

Everybody has different times of the day in which they work better. Do you have more energy during the mornings? Evenings? Determine at which times during the day you have the most energy and do the most then. Manage your energy, not your time.

Step 2: Prepare in advance.

Take out time each night to prepare a list of things to do the next morning. Place the most important things at the top of the list and do it during your peak energy time. It will only take 10 minutes to prepare and save 3 hours the next day.

Step 3: Don’t open emails or check social media immediately.

Sounds hard, not really. If you preoccupy yourself with important tasks then you begin the day on a good note. Use the morning to get rid of the important tasks. Then you have the rest of the day to relax.

Step 4: Leave the phone in another room.

This may be difficult, so pretend you’re on an aeroplane. That means limited internet access and everything on aeroplane mode or simply, put it away. This will eliminate any urges you have to check your socials. It will maintain a clear focal point.

Step 5: Have a place dedicated to work.

Have space where, when you go there, you know you’re going to work. Place all your necessities in this space and remove any distractions. Maintain it in a clean condition. When the room is too hot don’t you begin to feel tired and distracted? So turn down the temperature or maintain a cool place. This way it’s easier to focus your mind and body.

Step 6: Be in tune with your body.

When you sit hunched, your diaphragm is pressing against the bottom of your lungs, which prevents the free ability to breathe easily and deeply. To improve you can sit up straighter or stand up. This will allow your brain to receive more oxygen, which increases concentration better.                 

Also, you can’t work on hours on end, so remember to take consistent breaks in-between.                                                                                             

Step 7: Design a ‘pre-game’ plan to start your day.

It is important to have a tiny routine to allow your brain to remove distractions and get into a specific model. My morning routine begins by drinking an entire glass of water. Others may begin by doing yoga or going to the gym. Thus, a pre-game routine helps your brain kick into work mode and it motivates you to continue your day.


Marium is the founder of and focuses on time management and productivity skills. Marium writes about effectively learning new skills, positive thinking, brain training, productivity and time management using simple but effective methods - one step at a time, make small changes and you'll reach your goals.

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