
Why Productivity Isn’t Your Mind, It’s Your Body

We all want to improve ourselves and increase productivity, in this post – Why Productivity isn’t your mind, it’s your body? We’ll take a short look at why being more productive is not just to do with the Mind but also the body has importance in helping you become more productive.

Certainly, the mind is important, but without a healthy fully energised body how will the mind function.  So my formula based on what I have researched – Productivity = (B + M) x H, where B = Body, M = Mind multiplied by H = Habits.  Nice easy way to remember it.

How is productivity dependent on Body?

A human body is complex and made up of many different muscle groups, Neuro-chemicals, nutrients etc.  What I have termed Neuro-chemicals, according to Wikipedia are – Neurotransmitters these are endogenous chemicals that enable neurotransmission. It is a type of chemical messenger which transmits signals across a chemical synapse, such as a neuromuscular junction, from one neuron (nerve cell) to another “target” neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.

When you wake up in the morning, unknown to you and I, many chemical processes are taking place in our brain and body to allow us to function.  In order for these muscles and Neuro-chemicals to work in harmony, the body needs healthy food, a good amount of rest and regular exercise.  Much like a machine, for example, a car.  Without the correct type of fuel, lubricating oils, water etc.  It will not function correctly.  In a similar way, the human body needs a healthy diet and exercise to remain fit and work at an optimum level.

When you eat good food full of healthy nutrients your body uses this to fuel your energy levels, this extra energy allows you to be more productive.

Our body functions like a machine, so it makes sense that the fuel we provide that machine (healthy diet) has the power (correct nutrients) to positively impact its performance. We already know that the type foods and beverages we consume have the power to shape our body, but what we may not realise is that the nutrition plays a significant role in determining our productivity habits as well.

Good Healthy body leads to a well-oiled Brain.

Why your body affects your mind?

Now imagine a machine, everything is set with the correct oil (nutrients), well-adjusted cogs (fitness, flexibility and energy), but no central processing engine much like a brain.  That machine will not function and be productive.  Similar to this our brain or mind, can process information or data at a lower level enabling the movement and output required to be productive.

The mind becomes very productive with repetition, once you have the body functioning at an optimum level.  Expose the mind to a task once, it copes with it and takes the necessary action.  For you to become more productive you need to repeat similar exposure to tasks that you want to do, therefore repetition leads the brain to develop neural pathways in the brain.  Next time a similar or new task is placed in front of you, the brain already has the program to deal with it.

Multiply your good habits to be more productive

We briefly looked at why the body is important in being more productive, as in healthy and fit body gives you the energy, flexibility to function at an optimum level.  Then came why the body affects the mind and how you can be more productive if both these systems work together in harmony.

Now let’s take a look at why multiplying good Habits is required.  When you take on a task like badminton, for example, you cannot become a great player in one attempt, to reach the professional level it takes years of practice (Habit), getting up early in the morning, eating the right food, practising daily.  The good habits or practice you put in the better you become at playing.  In a similar way to be more productive, we need to develop and continuously practice or form the habits that increase good results.

In summary, start a healthy diet and get fit to keep your body in good shape.  Add regular rest, get plenty of sleep, less stress, drink plenty of water and exercise your mind.  Multiply your good habits, increasing them over time.  This will help you become more productive and achieve results that otherwise will not be possible.


Marium is the founder of and focuses on time management and productivity skills. Marium writes about effectively learning new skills, positive thinking, brain training, productivity and time management using simple but effective methods - one step at a time, make small changes and you'll reach your goals.

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